MSS Board Meeting

This regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at Murrah Hall on the campus of Millsaps College.

ABC Mississippi Barbecue benefiting MSS

ABC Mississippi and AIA Mississippi are excited to host everyone on Friday, October 26, 2018 for this fun event at ABC Mississippi headquarters in Pearl benefiting Magnolia Speech School.   Event Flyer (Printable […]

The Mississippi Chorus

Over There:  A Salute to Our Veterans at St. Columb's Episcopal Church, Ridgeland (Ticket required) The Mississippi Chorus is pleased to announce Magnolia Speech School has been selected as their […]

Thanksgiving Feast

Magnolia Speech School students and staff enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving Day feast together.

MSS Board Meeting

This regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held in the conference room of Magnolia Speech School.