New Student Case History Form


If no, what language?
If no, please indicate with whom the child lives:
Name, Sex, Age, School/Grade
Check which is applicable: This is our
Did the mother do any of the following activities while pregnant?
Type of delivery:
____ pounds, ____ ounces
Baby’s color at birth:
If yes, please explain.
If yes, please explain.
If no, please list further testing.
Please check any complications experienced during pregnancy:
walking, hopping, running, other
stacking blocks, buttoning, cutting, zipping, other
Please indicate if your child has a family history of the following problems:
My child is:
Does your child prefer to use?
How does your child communicate needs?
If your child is verbal, he/she speaks using:
How often do others understand your child’s speech?
How often do family members understand your child’s speech?
 How often does your child use speech?
When was this first noticed? By whom?
Are your child’s immunizations up to date?
Is your child taking any medication?
Has your child ever had surgery or been hospitalized?
Please check any of the following your child has had:
Does your child have an Epi Pen?
Does your child’s vision seem normal?
Is your child color blind?
Has your child had a visual exam?
Does your child wear eyeglasses?
Does your child have tubes?
If yes, which ear(s)?
Still in Place?
Does your child have a history of middle ear infection?
Please check all that apply:
Do you think your child has a hearing loss?
Has your child ever had a hearing evaluation?
Does your child wear hearing aids?
If yes, which ear(s)?
Does your child have a cochlear implant?
Can your child tell you his/her name?
Can your child tell you his/her age?
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she look at books independently:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she count to three:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she count to ten:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she point to colors named:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she follow simple directions:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she get along with siblings:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she get along with other children:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she make friends easily:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she play with age appropriate toys:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she enjoy being read to:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she enjoy playing alone:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she enjoy playing with other children:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she easily adapt to change:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she appear overactive:
Compared to other children of your child’s age, does he/she appear overanxious:
Does your child have difficulty with chewing/swallowing?
Does he/she avoid any foods or consistencies?
Does he/she mouth objects (pencils, hands, etc.)?
Does he/she gag easily with food or utensils in mouth?
Is your child followed by First Steps?
Has there been a previous evaluation?
Is your child currently receiving treatment for this problem?
Has your child been seen by any other professionals for any reason other than routine care?
Has your child been evaluated by your public school?
Does your child have an eligibility ruling?
Does your child attend a special education class?
Has your child ever had special tutoring or any type of therapy?