
Did You Know? Cheri Burney

At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, Magnolia Speech School will lose one of our favorite teachers: Cheri Burney. While we are sad to see her go, we thank her for the years of love, experience, and care she has given all of us at MSS. As is the case with many of our educators, Burney made MSS her ‘second teaching home,’ after retiring from the public school system in 2019. Burney brought with her 30 years of teaching experience, a Masters in Special Education, and the assurance that being a part of what we are doing here was God’s plan for her.

“I have been so blessed by this opportunity to work with the students and their families who have passed through my door,” Burney says. “Throughout my teaching career, I have believed that you cannot make a connection with a student without making a connection with the family as well. MSS shares that same belief, and I think that is why God blessed me with this opportunity. The connections that I have made with my students and their families will stay with me forever.” We are so grateful to Ms. Burney for choosing to spend the last five years with us, and we wish her all the best in her *second* retirement!